Hi, I'm Naho, a Leadership & System Coach.

I help international leaders and team to maximise their potential by leveraging global footprints

WHY International Leaders and Teams?

In our interconnected world, where regional economies and communities are deeply intertwined with global dynamics, the significance of international teams and leadership cannot be overstated. They serve as the crucial link between global strategies and the intricacies of local realities. International teams drive localised product and service innovations, while effective international leadership ensures seamless alignment with global headquarters. This harmonious synergy guarantees that regional strategies are in perfect accord with the organisation's global objectives, facilitating efficient information flow across the entire organization.

HOW we do it? 

Coaching emerges as an invaluable resource to address this challenges. This equips individuals and teams with the essential skills, mindset, and strategies needed to adeptly navigate the complexities of global collaboration, harness global opportunities, and actively contribute to the sustainable development and prosperity of their respective markets.

WHAT do we offer?

We specialise in delivering personalised services that are finely tuned to the specific needs of international leaders and their teams.  Say you are an international leader looking for personal development, newly assigned international manager looking to build a stronger relationsihp with HQ leadership, or a team in international feeling a bit stuck on the influence they have over global business, we can customize our offerings based on your need. 

Moreover, we excel in harnessing exclusive tools and assessments, available only through certified practitioners, which we seamlessly integrate into our services to address your unique requirements.

WHO is the coach?

The Coach - Naho - is a Japanese professional with over a decade of experience in Fortune500 company as a technology consultant. A certified professional coach for leadership and relationship system coaching. A Cat lover. 

Get in touch through complimentary discovery call